Vernal Pools Information
Question: Can you think of any other reasons vernal pools are important?
Vernal pools are seasonal depressional wetlands. They are important because they provide water and shelter for many different species of frogs, salamanders, and toads that do not live anywhere else. These pools provide a safe place to reproduce without any fish to eat their eggs. Animals that rely on a highly specific habitat are known as “obligate species.” Vernal pool obligates only can live in vernal pools. Without vernal pools, there could be no wood frog, eastern spadefoot, fairy shrimp, and several species of salamander.
Learn more at this site: Seen a Salamander? Vernal Pools are Unique Habitats
Other Resources:
Question: Can you think of any other reasons vernal pools are important?
Vernal pools are seasonal depressional wetlands. They are important because they provide water and shelter for many different species of frogs, salamanders, and toads that do not live anywhere else. These pools provide a safe place to reproduce without any fish to eat their eggs. Animals that rely on a highly specific habitat are known as “obligate species.” Vernal pool obligates only can live in vernal pools. Without vernal pools, there could be no wood frog, eastern spadefoot, fairy shrimp, and several species of salamander.
Learn more at this site: Seen a Salamander? Vernal Pools are Unique Habitats
Other Resources:

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